We visited Koyota Ranch RV park while in the Texas hill country. this was our first trip to the hill country in the motor home and we were excited to see a new area. We made our reservations weeks in advance. We headed out early one morning and made our way to Fredricksburg. We found a nice private camp ground on the edge of town. We left the following morning for Koyote Ranch. It was a nice drive until, we were suddenly maneuvering hairpin turns while the grade was dropping rapidly. The hair pen turns were so
close together that while driving a 32 foot motor home and towing a Saturn ION, I would have to apply the brakes in order to make the turn. This went on for over forty-five minutes. I thought we would never reach the bottom of this hill! Finally, we reached the bottom of the hill and there sat Koyote Ranch RV Park. As we checked in, we asked if there was a different route back to the highway. the host looked out the window at our rig and asked if we came in thru the truck route. We told her we didn't see a truck route. She said she was sorry that no one told us about the truck route. I think she was in shock that we had just drove that rig down that steep grade with all those hairpin curves. The good Lord was definitely looking after us that day!
Koyote RV park is a private camp ground. All the RV sites have a concrete patio, grass yard and full hook-ups including 20/30/50 amp power. The site are 40’ wide and pull-thru sites are 90’ long. The sites are level with crushed native granite. It was very clean. We were there in the off season and practically had the place to ourselves.
Take scenic Hwy 16 north out of Bandera. You will be traveling through the Medina River Valley crossing this beautiful river several times as it meanders through the hills. Approximately 8 miles out of town, you will come to what the locals refer to as the “Tree Tunnel” where hundred year old live oak trees engulf the highway. Proceed on to the town of Medina, 13.5 miles from Bandera. Medina is home to the Texas International Apple Festival – and a great place to get one of the best apple turnovers in the world. Continue north out of Medina approximately 6 miles where the Medina Children’s Home is your next landmark. Koyote Ranch Hill Country is 1.8 miles north of Medina Children’s Home on the west side of Hwy 16.