How is it that things can be the same old day in and day out for months and then all of a sudden there are a million new things to deal with at one time? I am sure we’re not the only people this happens to. Are we?
I know, “We plan and God Laughs! We know that everything happens for a reason, like it or not. Maturity has taught me to roll with the flow and cross that bridge when it comes.
Some things have happened in the last few days that indicate we might be starting our RVing life a little sooner than planned. I can’t really get into that right now, but I will fill you in on that later.
Last night Dawn and I had a short discussion about the possibility of putting the house on the market. Do we? We had the house completely gutted and remodeled a few years ago. We just want to make sure we get what we have put into the house when we sell. The real estate market isn’t very good to sellers right now. O.K, we will revisit that topic again later.
We discussed all the things we still have left to do around the house. We decided it’s time to get on the stick and not slow down until it is all done. We have more STUFF to sell and more STUFF to pack. We are still making decisions on what we keep verses what we sell. We had planned to sell some STUFF later that we aren’t using but that really doesn’t make much sense to us now. If we are going to get rid of it, we’ll just do it now.
We have discussed the possibility of fulltiming for a few years and then maybe buying a small house to live in part time. O.K, we can put some things in storage and revisit that topic later too. I guess we need to fulltime awhile before we make that decision. We think we will love fulltiming but you don’t really know until you try it.
Now it’s time to get busy.
This is the journey of two middle aged women embarking on the RV fulltimers life. Preparing and living as nomads to keep from being committed to the local lunatic asylum by their friends and family. This is their journey from beginning to present day.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Mom Starts Radiation
We met with the Radiologist yesterday. Mom will start radiation on Tuesday. They have her scheduled for five days a week for six weeks. Tuesday she will get her markers and have her first radiation treatment.
The radiologist office is only about five miles from her house so that will make it easy for her to drive herself for her treatments. We were told the treatment will only take approximately fifteen minutes.
Mom was just starting to feel like her old self when she came down with a cold that everyone seems to passing around. Yesterday was the first day I have seen her in three weeks because I have been sick and didn’t want to expose her to it. At least her blood count is up and she was giving some medication to help her get over it.
The radiologist office is only about five miles from her house so that will make it easy for her to drive herself for her treatments. We were told the treatment will only take approximately fifteen minutes.
Mom was just starting to feel like her old self when she came down with a cold that everyone seems to passing around. Yesterday was the first day I have seen her in three weeks because I have been sick and didn’t want to expose her to it. At least her blood count is up and she was giving some medication to help her get over it.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Weekend Not a Total Waste
We didn't get as much done this weekend as we had planned but it wasn't a total waste. On Saturday we had a wonderful afternoon with a few of Dawn's college friends. She recently reunited with them on facebook. She hasn't talked to them in thirty years. We had a great afternoon visiting. It was fun listening to them tell stories of their college days. We have said we would be getting back together real soon. We had a great lunch, a few drinks and a lot of laughs.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Friday Again
O.K it's Friday again. We have both been sick and have fallen behind on our To-Do-List. The weatherman says we are going to have some warm weather before the next cold front on Tuesday. With that said, we have lots to do around the house. We need to pack some more boxes and throw out some more STUFF. We need to decide what we are going to put on Craig’s List and get those items posted. Wow! I get tired just thinking about it.
We have a two car garage that is busting at the seams right now. We also have a 20x40 building that is holding a lot of STUFF. We have just enough room in the middle to park our fifth wheel. We have got to get a good long break in this weather so we can have a few more garage sales. We have people depending on us. That’s right; we have met a lot of people by having these garage sales. We have new friends that stop by every time we stick the signs out!
Anyway, the fact of the matter is we still have a lot of STUFF.
We have a two car garage that is busting at the seams right now. We also have a 20x40 building that is holding a lot of STUFF. We have just enough room in the middle to park our fifth wheel. We have got to get a good long break in this weather so we can have a few more garage sales. We have people depending on us. That’s right; we have met a lot of people by having these garage sales. We have new friends that stop by every time we stick the signs out!
Anyway, the fact of the matter is we still have a lot of STUFF.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Getting Ready
We are so excited about the upcoming new chapter of our lives that we just can’t think about anything else at this point. We happened across a great deal on a Sunbeam, queen size heated mattress pad. We are both pretty warm natured people but crawling into a cold bed is not fun for anyone. We have used the heated mattress covers in the past and just loved them. You can turn it on a few minutes before you turn in and the bed is all nice and warm. You can leave it on if you choose. We just use it to warm the bed prior to getting in.
We also found an electric heater on clearance at Northern Tools. It is a Duraflame Vent Free metal stove with realistic flame effect. It has a fan and a thermostat with heat settings from 70 degrees to 90 degrees. My Mom has one and she loves it. It is a small heater and will fit in the chair area under the desk.
We also found an electric heater on clearance at Northern Tools. It is a Duraflame Vent Free metal stove with realistic flame effect. It has a fan and a thermostat with heat settings from 70 degrees to 90 degrees. My Mom has one and she loves it. It is a small heater and will fit in the chair area under the desk.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
So Much To Do
Dawn has been sick with bronchitis for the past couple weeks. She is now getting back on her feet and I am starting to feel a little under the weather myself but I am doing my best to ignore it.
We have had terrible weather here. It has rained and rained for several weeks and then we had record snow. Now the ground is so saturated that it is like a swamp outside. This all adds up to a very difficult situation for doing anything outdoors. We have so much to do and the clock is ticking. I am just an impatient person. I want the weather to warm up and dry up so we can get back outside and finish rummaging through the stuff in storage and prepare for more garage sales. We did have some success this month. We were able to sell the hot tub and piano. Those items were put on Craig’s List. We sold them We still have a few things left on there and may still add to it.
We have had people asked why we don’t call Goodwill or Salvation Army to come get this stuff. Well, the problem is some of this stuff has been boxed up for years. We have stuff that was Dawn’s parents and stuff that we had from the guest house and stuff we boxed up from the house remodel. We have to go through all the boxes anyway. Second of all, we want to sell what we can and put that money in our emergency fund. We can’t pull out of here until December anyway so why not take advantage of the time and sell this stuff and use the money to build our emergency fund. With little effort we have made free money!
We have had terrible weather here. It has rained and rained for several weeks and then we had record snow. Now the ground is so saturated that it is like a swamp outside. This all adds up to a very difficult situation for doing anything outdoors. We have so much to do and the clock is ticking. I am just an impatient person. I want the weather to warm up and dry up so we can get back outside and finish rummaging through the stuff in storage and prepare for more garage sales. We did have some success this month. We were able to sell the hot tub and piano. Those items were put on Craig’s List. We sold them We still have a few things left on there and may still add to it.
We have had people asked why we don’t call Goodwill or Salvation Army to come get this stuff. Well, the problem is some of this stuff has been boxed up for years. We have stuff that was Dawn’s parents and stuff that we had from the guest house and stuff we boxed up from the house remodel. We have to go through all the boxes anyway. Second of all, we want to sell what we can and put that money in our emergency fund. We can’t pull out of here until December anyway so why not take advantage of the time and sell this stuff and use the money to build our emergency fund. With little effort we have made free money!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow in Dallas?
It snowed in Dallas, Texas! Yea, sure we do get a little snow every now and then. But this time we got 10 inches of the white flakes. That has not happened in Dallas, Texas for over thirty years. People here are in shock. They have closed schools, businesses and some roadways. This sort of thing just doesn’t happen here.
There are large areas that are without power due to the weight of the snow breaking tree limbs onto power lines. They have called in crews from other areas to assist with getting the power back on.

I have taken so many pictures my camera is starting to get heavy! The dogs can’t find a place to potty!
There are large areas that are without power due to the weight of the snow breaking tree limbs onto power lines. They have called in crews from other areas to assist with getting the power back on.
I have taken so many pictures my camera is starting to get heavy! The dogs can’t find a place to potty!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Got the Itch
I have got the itch to hook up the fifth wheel and go somewhere. I got it really bad! There is a small problem, we have posted some things on Craig's List for sale. I guess we kinda need to be here in case anyone wants to stop by look at the stuff. We posted the Hot Tub, We need to get rid of it before we rent the house. It's an insurance thing. We have posted Dawn’s piano, her mother bought it for her when she was a small child. She doesn't play anymore. We also posted the Honda Gold Wing parts that were removed in order to make the trike conversion. My son suggested we give Craig’s List a try. He posted the items for us and an hour later we were getting calls. Maybe this is the way to sale some of this stuff!
We are going to have to take a trip somewhere this summer. I need it! Maybe when Mom is finished with her radiation she will feel like a weekend trip. Dawn and I are sitting on GO.
We are going to have to take a trip somewhere this summer. I need it! Maybe when Mom is finished with her radiation she will feel like a weekend trip. Dawn and I are sitting on GO.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Mom's Last Chemo
Today was Mom's last chemo. She was so excited to get it done and behind her. The doctor explained that she will still need to get her blood work done often and she will be scheduled for radiation five days a week for six weeks. The port will remain in place for a couple more years just to make sure she won’t need it again.
The past six month has been very stressful on all of us and Mom has been through a lot. It has defiantly made us all a little stronger. I would not wish cancer, surgeries, chemo and radiation on anyone. It takes a real toll on the family. I am so very grateful that I belong to a family of very strong women.
We know that there is a chance the cancer could come back. Today we are forging ahead with positive thoughts that it is gone for good.
The past six month has been very stressful on all of us and Mom has been through a lot. It has defiantly made us all a little stronger. I would not wish cancer, surgeries, chemo and radiation on anyone. It takes a real toll on the family. I am so very grateful that I belong to a family of very strong women.
We know that there is a chance the cancer could come back. Today we are forging ahead with positive thoughts that it is gone for good.
Best RV Forum
I have found a wonderful RV forum ( I check it every day. This is a well thought out forum tha I really enjoy reading . I have been doing research for a few years now and have not found anything close in comparison to this forum. The members of rv-dreams are very friendly, knowledgeable and don’t mind sharing their experiences. I have posted a few questions on the forum and the members are fast to respond and give honest and helpful advice. I have learned a lot from these people in a very short amount of time. The topics cover anything from buying an RV, mechanical Info, camp ground reviews, cooking, boondocking, pets, RV Blogs and much much more. I highly recommend this forum to anyone that is interested in learning about the full-timing lifestyle. Stop by and check it out, you’ll be glad you did.
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