Friday, February 26, 2010

We Plan and God Laughs

How is it that things can be the same old day in and day out for months and then all of a sudden there are a million new things to deal with at one time? I am sure we’re not the only people this happens to. Are we?

I know, “We plan and God Laughs! We know that everything happens for a reason, like it or not. Maturity has taught me to roll with the flow and cross that bridge when it comes.

Some things have happened in the last few days that indicate we might be starting our RVing life a little sooner than planned. I can’t really get into that right now, but I will fill you in on that later.

Last night Dawn and I had a short discussion about the possibility of putting the house on the market. Do we? We had the house completely gutted and remodeled a few years ago. We just want to make sure we get what we have put into the house when we sell. The real estate market isn’t very good to sellers right now. O.K, we will revisit that topic again later.

We discussed all the things we still have left to do around the house. We decided it’s time to get on the stick and not slow down until it is all done. We have more STUFF to sell and more STUFF to pack. We are still making decisions on what we keep verses what we sell. We had planned to sell some STUFF later that we aren’t using but that really doesn’t make much sense to us now. If we are going to get rid of it, we’ll just do it now.

We have discussed the possibility of fulltiming for a few years and then maybe buying a small house to live in part time. O.K, we can put some things in storage and revisit that topic later too. I guess we need to fulltime awhile before we make that decision. We think we will love fulltiming but you don’t really know until you try it.

Now it’s time to get busy.